OTL101- Post 4

Hi everyone,

Hope all is well. Here are my thoughts on the following questions:

  1. Are there any gaps between your practice of offering feedback to students and what Hattie recommends?

Although, I like what Hattie recommends in terms of  her feedback model “Where am I going? (What are the goals?) How am I going? (Whhttps://masharma.trubox.ca/wp-admin/post-new.phpat progress is being made towards the goals?), and Where to next? (What activities need to be undertaken to make better progress?). The key dimensions of performance are processes of understanding a task, the regulatory or meta-cognitive process dimension, and/or the self or person (unrelated to the specifics of the task).” I am not about the power relations assumed in them given different cultural contexts of students, which is a point she later takes up indirectly.

For me, I think the feedback I give is usually with a rubric and further comments. I have focused on what are the goals of the assignments and how students are making progress towards them. In the feedback I try to highlight the goals and share strengths and areas of improvement in order to achieve these goals. This is not always perfect because I have yet to have a student converse with me about grades in an online platform, yet in F2F I do have conversations about grades, I wonder why that is the case?

2. In what ways can you improve the effectiveness of the feedback that you provide for your students?

I think providing a voice recording with my thoughts on questions 1, 2 and 3 in the above model. And for question 3 that often is left out of the feedback to bring it back to the student in terms of what they plan to do with the knowledge they gain from the course?


