OTL101- Post 5

Hi all,

Here are my responses:

  1. Write a few words about why you think that post or those posts stand out:

I think my first post in which I ask about community building activities holds true and my last post on feedback are tied together. If feedback is to help support where students are going to next, I hope that they have also felt a sense of community in the course to help them along with the next steps in their journey.

Cognitive presence and the 3 questions for feedback that is meaningful.

I still wonder about my comment to a colleague based on post 2, and I await their response.

I also wonder about community building in synchronous courses, I have been tasked with teaching about communication and team building in an online setting that is asynchronous and I worry about how to do this.

I would like to know how to understand whether students are participating in superficial/surface level or deeper learning approaches due to lack of interest or lack of engagement? I am not sure if this could be measured in a survey?

Another goal is to see if the feedback based on the 3 questions offered by Hattie is something all students appreciate. Again could this be measured in a survey?


