OTL301-Post 6!

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for reading these posts! I am glad to be at the last post now, and share my insights on the following chosen questions:

I have become more aware of the cognitive, social and teacher presence in online teaching. I have learned that all of these components occur in synch. and asynchronous courses delivered online.

I appreciated some of the graphics/tables in the readings that helped consolidate key ideas in the readings. I also appreciated the videos but I think it may be time to update the ones that depicted the “slow/disengaged student” and “fast/proactive student”, as I can that the terminology is outdated and some of the stereotypes are not appreciated.

I like visuals and audio as it was a welcomed change from the static text readings.

I also appreciated some of the post questions as they made me reflect on current courses or future course delivery with a new lens gained from the readings/videos/tables. I like being proactive in my teaching design, method, and delivery.

**In addition to reflecting on your work, please include 2-3 ideas that you would like to implement in your own practice and how you might go about doing so.

In terms of adding 2 new ideas I would like to implement in my own practice are possibly a TRUBOX site for my asynchronous course in the fall for graduate students. I would ask IT services to set this up for me and start designing it. Secondly, I would like to focus on creating a social presence with students in asynchronous format, by doing more video based assignments and forums with opportunities to post sound bites as responses.

Thank you for this experience, I hope I have met and exceeded the expectations for these training courses. I must say this is the most rigorous training I have recently done!


