OTL201: Post 2

Hi Everyone,

Here are my answers to the following:

  1. Describe the ways in which your introductory post should have enhanced social presence in a course that you teach

There is a visual connection and audio connection. A personal fact about my twins and family that students can connect too.

2. Identify at least one improvement that you might make in light of what you know about social presence since completing your first post.

I think I would encourage student to student interaction. I would like to figure out a way in which all the 1 minute intros done by my students in an asynchronous class can be watched without having to open each file, any ideas??

3. Describe how your thinking about social presence has changed since your first post.

There are levels of comfort that can be still met in terms of just a voice presenting, or an image, instead of the person in real time presenting. I believe these levels of comfort will increase over time, but it nice to see just like in a f2f class there can be a gradual growth in social presence.

Please note, I could not access any other colleague’s post 2 for course 2 so have not had a chance to make comments. Please advise.



